Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Climate Change impact in Bangladesh

The Member of Parliament (MP) of United Kingdom Greg Clark had visited Bangladesh three years ago for seeing the impact of climate change that are happening in Bangladesh. The amazing information that he had collected during his visit that are really true. And now a days this is common scenario in Bangladesh that sea height are rising and people are getting worried about it. But they are not actually responsible for it.

What will happen when the 20% land of Bangladesh will go under water and the people will start to looking for shelter for their existence? Does people who are responsible for this climate change think about it? We don't know. But the time is going and the storm is coming toward us. So we have to rise our voice, otherwise no way will left. Bangladesh is not responsible for this whole event at all, but why only Bangladesh have to suffer for this reason. Here is an action plan that are produce by Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of Peoples republic of Bangladesh. That is "Bangladesh Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan 2009" This action plan is good but Bangladesh alone it's impossible to survive for this plan. When the see height will rise by 2 or 3 feet then 20% of land of southern part of Bangladesh will go under water. Then how the poor and landless people will survive? It's the question to modern industrialized society who are greatly responsible for this evil. Here is a documentary on climate change produced by Discovery Channel. The Climate change what you need to know. Just watch this and discover that climate change not only matter of worry for Bangladesh but also for other developed country. But it's true that Bangladesh will be the great victims of it.

Now a days sea water have started to rise in southern part of Bangladesh. And also the impact of Global Warming have started to fall into northern part of Bangladesh. Generally the north Bengle became hotter than other part of Bangladesh when summer starts and became cooler than other part of Bangladesh when Winter starts. and usually summer and winter were stayed there in same portion. But now the scenario have changed summer that means hotter day are becames longer than winter like 6 or 7 month and winter becames shorter than before like 2 or 3 month in  a year. And it's very possible that soon it can be started to snowfall in this part of Bangladesh. Rainfall decreased in north Bengle that's why farmers can't cultivate and grow proper crops in their fields. And for water crisis fish can not be grown in Chalanbil. For Climate change the southern part of Bangladesh will go under water and the northern part of Bangladesh will be desert. That is the reality. For having a better world please help us to fight against this evil cause you know Bangladesh alone can't prevent this evil. So here is the Climate Change Cell of Bangladesh for better learning about the impact of climate change in  Bangladesh please contact with them. The link is below


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