How was your childhood? Can you remember it? Absolutely this picture are knocking you to remembering your childhood again. And that all was so interesting, wan't it? Every memory of our life came into live when we see such a picture like this. Here i am going to write something about our childhood which we spend in our village in Chalanbil(a water land). In Chalanbil(a water land) how child enjoy all over the year just from summer to winter lets discover it. In my early article which was
The season in Chalanbil I wrote about the season system in Chalanbil(a water land). So geographically here in Bangladesh we have six season like summer, Monsoon, Autumn, Late Autumn, Winter and Spring. If you a traveler or planing to travel for long time then traveling in Chalanbil(a water land) will be a great idea for you. Person who love nature should once travel in Chalanbil(a water land). Many foreigner come to travel in Bangladesh and sometimes they travel through the major city in Bnagladesh but not in great land Chalanbil cause they sometimes didn't come to know about it for the lake of information. If you are a nature lover and traveler you can't stay in your room after reading this article. Exactly every season is colorful in Chalanbil and people including children they enjoy the color of it. In winter children enjoy to go to their school and they love to play all day long. They play different kind of game cause that time Chalanbil turn into desert and everywhere in Chalanbil became dried so children enjoy to play at that time. Not only winter rainy season also enjoyable for children. In rainy day playing football and jumping into river is a great game for children. Without obeying parents commands and forbid travelling
Photo credit: FB/bangladesh.natore |
randomly throw out the sea-like Bil(water land) and pond and river by banana tree's boat and Dingy Boat is all day long was great experience. Climbing up long tree then jumping into river was general scenario for children. Yes from my life when i was child we had a gang of four of five friends. In rainy season everyday we take our bath in Bil or river or in any pond and during our bath we did something special like we go to our school, all friends together climb up top of the school building and then from there we jumped into the pond or we were gone under any high tree which was situated near any pond or Bil or river then we climbed up to the tree's head and after reaching the top of that tree we jump into the pond or to the river really these all was incredible moment of my life I still can't forgot it. And in every afternoon we played football in our school field but if the school field were flooded then we played football in other place like any paddy field or road side. After playing for long time in wet and dirty land we had got tired and dirty. And finally for clearing our-self we were again gone into the river for taking bath all together for long time again, After finishing we returned to our home. And everyday when drops of rain began to fall into the field none can stop us from getting wet with rain water. Our childhood were so naughty and enjoyable that it always makes me happy when i remember it. When irrigation started
Photo Credit: Amader Natore. FB/bangladesh.natore |
then all day long people worked in field. And that was one of the great season when we enjoyed summer heat. During irrigation those five or six month in Chalanbil usually it seemed very hot, And in winter the north part of Bangladesh became so cooler when winter start.
Photo Credit: Amader Natore. FB/bangladesh.natore |
And again it usually became so hotter when summer start, perhaps the reason is the north Bengle is near to Himaloy(Freeze water Hill) which situated between India and Nepal that's why usually when winter start then north Bengle became so cooler. The Lalpur, a Upazila of Natore is the hottest place in Bangladesh that usually means that whole north Bengle became hotter than the other part of Bangladesh in summer season. The cause is that in summer season all the river of north bengle began to dry and they got dried. After turning everywhere into desert there then start crisis for water that usually doesn't happen in other part of Bangladesh..That what happen in other area is Arsenic problem but in north bengle arsenic is not always the matter of worry. And if water crisis happen in other area besides Chalanbil then the crisis couldn't became the reason of worry like what happened in north part of Bangladesh. But now our government trying hard to solve the problem and it's almost solved. However these all was enjoyable. Summer, hot, winter, cold everything was enjoyable in Chalanbil. Flying kite walking alone to the street during was one of the most enjoyable things to me. In Chalanbil when irrigation almost finished then kite flying season was started that all was incredible memory for my life. All the children from different village they gathered together with their kite in hand and thrown it kite into the sky. When all the kite started to fly in the sky that seems so good and incredible. Thus we have passed our childhood in my own village in Chalanbil. And really when I remember these kinds of memories it's makes me feel happy but when the imaginary session over then i came into the real life and realize that how enjoyable was that days!!!
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